Equipoise at COP 27 🎯

Equipoise at COP7

It was a privilege for Equipoise to be involved in COP27. There were many inspirational and insightful conversations on and off stage. Some personal highlights for us were:

  • Quote: “We are on a highway to climate hell with our foot on the accelerator” - António Guterres, U.N. Secretary-General

  • Moment: Kausea Natano, Tuvalu’s Prime Minister, explained the very real possibility of their population becoming climate refugees in the next decade as their Pacific island nation faces rising sea levels.

  • Action: The Biden-Harris administration announced a plan to require federal suppliers with contracts worth more than $50M per year to publicly disclose greenhouse gas emissions, including material Scope 3 emissions, and to set science-based decarbonisation targets.

It was an honour being in Egypt to meet sustainability leaders, and we’re excited to see the role sustainable procurement will play in meeting global decarbonisation targets.


Scope 3 decarbonisation with CBRE, Schroders and BT Sourced 📉


Equipoise support the decarbonisation of the UK’s largest Housing Association with a Scope 3 Procurement Emissions Analysis 🏘️